How to 10x Your Revenue: Embracing the Solo Business Model

Aug 24, 2023

Congratulations! You've broken free from the corporate chains, secured a few clients, and replaced your previous income, all while working just a few hours a day. This blueprint has been the escape route for countless GenXers.

However, have you pondered the secret to achieving a tenfold growth in your solo venture? It's not about trading more hours for more cash. That approach has its limits. I've walked this path, starting as a solo consultant and evolving into fractional leadership roles. But there's more to my story.

The real magic lies in diversifying your revenue streams and making calculated risks. Think of it as running a personal holding company. Over the past four years, I've been on this journey, and I'm eager to share my insights.

But first, let's delve into the essence of a solo business model.

Understanding the Solo Business Model

It's a blend of mindset and structure. Many GenXers who've left the corporate world began as freelancers or contractors. As this trend gains traction, roles and opportunities become clearer. While some find their niche in consulting or fractional roles, there's a broader horizon to explore.

GenXers, with their corporate experience, adaptability, and drive for purpose, are uniquely positioned for this model. Our most valuable asset? Experience.

I've discovered numerous avenues to monetize expertise. The real growth catalyst? Multiple revenue streams.

Diversifying & Adding Revenue Streams

The key to multiplying your revenue lies in having diverse income streams. It's about leveraging your core expertise to cater to a broader audience. My journey serves as a testament. In the past 4 years I have tried the following streams:

  • The Podcast: Initially intended to promote a book, it became a networking tool.
  • Consulting: It replaced my income but lacked fulfillment.
  • Fractional Leadership: Enjoyable, yet financially limiting.
  • Advisory Roles: A blend of equity and fees with minimal time commitment.
  • Coaching: A passion I continue to pursue.
  • Reseller & Affiliate Partnerships: Leveraging decades-long networks to help get brand’s services and products into new companies
  • Starting a Company & Community: Aiming for a broader audience without the need for employees.


However, my approach was scattered. I needed a structured plan. Everything I was doing was very reactionary. I was duplicating work. Every Statement of Work was different. Essentially it was highly inefficient and I didn’t have any metrics to determine what was working and what wasn’t- time to return payoff.

I took a couple of months to take inventory and map out what I wanted. There were some hard and easy choices on what to continue pursuing.  I then structured it as a personal holding company that I could better manage and evaluate.

The Personal Holding Company Blueprint

Here's a snapshot of my current and potential revenue streams:

Brett Trainor Personal Holding Company: Owned solely by my wife and me.

  • Personal Platforms: Blog, SubStack, Podcast, and Website – aiming for sponsorships and affiliations.
  • B.T Advisory: Multiple revenue streams with optimized efficiency.
    • Personal Coaching: Selective engagements.
    • Fractional Leadership: One ongoing client.
    • Reseller: Introducing trusted brands to my network.
    • Advisor: Equity & Retainer based advisory roles.
    • Angel Investor: Small investments, primarily in friends and family ventures.
    • Opportunistic Ventures: High-value, high-margin one-off opportunities.
  • Hardwired for Growth: A new venture with scalability in mind.

Despite the array of ventures, I've crafted a system that demands fewer hours than my corporate days. The critical factor is that everyone of these workstreams is aligned with my vision and more importantly my experience and skillset.

Kickstarting Your Solo Business Journey

The following steps will help you outline your journey. In future posts I will provide additional details and recommendations.

  1. Escape Corporate: Take the leap. YOu can’t build this from the sidelines
  2. Define Your “Wants”: This is not a simple exercise but is a really important step
  3. Build Momentum: Your first objective is to generate revenue and replace your income
  4. Optimize Yourself: Create a flexible system that can keep you focused and organized
  5. Seize Opportunities: Place small, strategic bets then double down on ones that are working
  6. Collaborate Smartly: Focus on partnerships over hiring.
  7. Share Your Expertise: Educate and inspire for scalability. This is ultimately what your clients want to pay for is the education.

Organized and intentional efforts can lead to success without an overwhelming client base.

Always remember: Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.

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