Three Myths About Going Solo Jan 31, 2023

Myth: "I don't have the skills to start my own business"

Fact: If someone is paying you a salary to do a job then you have the skills to start your own business

People with limited experience and skills are building 7-figure businesses

Imagine what people with 15, 20 or even 30 years of...

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Is Fractional the Workforce of the Future? Jan 31, 2023

“50% of the workforce will be made up of fractional workers”

John Arms casually mentioned that on my podcast the other day

He is wrong

It will be higher, especially when you factor in all of the solo businesses or expert-based business owners in addition to the fractional workforce


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What is Your Exit Plan? Jan 31, 2023

What is your exit plan?

3 years ago I made the decision to exit corporate America

Did I have a plan? Nope but I knew I wasn’t going back

I figured it out as I went along, made a number of mistakes and moved forward

In hindsight, having an escape plan would have been helpful

You can’t...

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Another Reason I am NOT Going Back to Corporate America Jan 31, 2023

I have a friend that is going through a job search

And during one of our working sessions (helping her build an alternate escape plan), she mentioned that she received an offer from a company that she liked but would have to relocate.

The company offered a one-time relocation bonus which I...

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How Do You Cut Through the Noise? Jan 31, 2023

How do you cut through the noise as a solo business owner?

You have to find your different and give your prospects a reason to remember you

Author Michael F. Schein (and guest on the pod) talks about being remarkable- giving people a reason to remark- I love that

Jesse Cole aka the Man in the...

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Do You Have Balance in Your Life? Jan 31, 2023

What is your ratio or more importantly your ideal ratio?

It is an important question to answer for yourself

When I first left corporate I thought it would be all about the money

What I quickly found that was not the case

There are three core benefits of going solo:

1 Freedom: Where and When ...

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Do You Still Believe That Corporate America is the “Safe” Path? Jan 31, 2023

Do you still believe that corporate America is the “safe” path?

It is not

The @hustle had a blurb in their newsletter this morning: “Yikes: On average, ~1.6k tech workers have been laid off every day of 2023”

That is 1.6 workers PER DAY so far in 2023 and that is only in...

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What UFC Training Can Teach You About Escaping Corporate Jan 31, 2023

What can you learn from UFC training and leaving corporate?

Don’t make the same mistake I made when I left the 9-5 world

I did it alone

Sure my wife knew but that was it

I didn’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of or get feedback

Over time, I realized there is a large community of...

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5 Revenue Streams for Your Solo Business Jan 31, 2023

The common misconception from folks thinking about leaving corporate is I can’t because I am not an entrepreneur.

I have outlined 5 potential options for folks considering a corporate exit 

“I don’t know how or I don’t want to build a company” are a couple of...

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Why Now is the Time to Escape Corporate America Jan 31, 2023

I had coffee with a friend of mine who recently left a job he hated more specifically it was the company, not the job itself.

He loves the work he does but was in a terrible environment

He has only known corporate (30 years) so is looking for another corporate role but I encouraged him to...

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Why 90,000 should scare the sh!t out of you Jan 31, 2023

Why 90,000 should scare the sh!t out of you 

90,000 hours is what the average American will spend at their job in a lifetime

It is staggering to see that number when many folks scramble to find an extra 30 minutes

Before I made the change and left the 9-5 grind. I spent my days feeling...

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Done is Better Than Perfect Jan 31, 2023

Done is better than perfect is a motto a former consulting buddy of mine (shout out Calvin Cheng) used to remind me of all the time

We agonize over the last details and worry it is not perfect and this is a blocker to getting stuff done or even getting started

This is one of the biggest barriers...

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