Differentiate to Dominate Dec 17, 2022

In a market filled with businesses that offer the same things, the same service, and many times. the same value, making sure your customers notice you is a tremendous task to achieve.

The key is to change the conversation.

If you are competing on price or features & benefits, that is a race...

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7 Key B2B Growth Trends You need to know in 2021 Dec 17, 2022

This probably could have been a top 10 list but I think these 7 are the most important. 

In no particular order:

  1. The buyers have all of the power.   They will dictate how they want to buy and the information that they are looking for.  It will be critical to be...
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Change is Inevitable but (Profitable) Growth is Optional- the Massive Opportunity for B2B Startups Dec 17, 2022

Digital is transforming the B2B space, or at least it should be.

The opportunity for companies to greatly improve CustomerExperience (don’t make your prospects call for pricing) is at the top of the list but right behind CX is the ability to greatly improve your bottom line.

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The Startup to Scaleup B2B Growth Framework: How to grow your business from Zero to Ten (million dollars) Dec 17, 2022

I have shared the stat that only 1 out of 10 startups reach the $1 million in revenue and then only 10% reach $10 million.

That is not meant to scare you, but it is the reality.  The good news is I believe there is an approach that will help give you the best chance to achieve your growth...

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Why 99 out of 100 Businesses Never reach $10 Million in Revenue & How to Become the 1 that Does! Dec 17, 2022

According to statistics, it’s hard for most businesses to make $500k annually in revenue, and it’s even harder to make $10 million. However, I believe that businesses that reach $1 million in revenue are more than capable of growing their revenue to $10 million+ if they apply the...

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Customer Experience is NOT Optional Dec 17, 2022

The #B2B world was beginning to transition. Buyer expectations were changing.  There were leaders and laggards on aligning with customer preferences.

If you were the first mover then you were gaining a competitive advantage and if you were late it probably was only beginning...

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4 Networking Tips for a New Business Owner Dec 17, 2022

When you first become an entrepreneur, family and friends become your first supporters. Your business will be built on your personal credibility and your personal story. This is why as an entrepreneur, it’s so important to lean into your personality and use the network of people who already...

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Insights from 100 Podcast Episodes Dec 17, 2022

After over 100 episodes in my show, The B2B Zero to Ten Podcast (formerly The B2B Founder Podcast), I’ve been able to gain some insights and value-packed strategies that founders can implement in their own businesses.

With every episode, I asked my guest a very important question which...

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5 Ideas to Help Bootstrapped Business Owners Minimize Wasted Time Dec 17, 2022

Owning a business can be stressful, especially when you are bootstrapped.

The problem is that many businesses owners spend time doing tasks that they don’t have to or shouldn’t be doing.

A great way to think about this is:

Can you eliminate the task?

If the answer is no, can you...

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Why Customer Experience is Critical for Bootstrapping Entrepreneurs Dec 17, 2022

Treat your prospects like customers and your customers like prospects

McKinsey recently updated their ongoing Pulse research of B2B buyers and it is no surprise that customer experience is one of the top demands.

Top priorities for Buyers:

  • Customers are looking for performance...
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7 Things Your New Business Needs to Be Successful At Content Marketing In 2022 Dec 17, 2022

New businesses have a lot on their plates, setting up systems, taking care of clients or customers, and getting the brand out into the world. Freelance entrepreneurs often start out with a small team or no team at all and the one task that seems to be the most intimidating is the marketing...

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4 Things New Freelancers Need to Learn Quickly Dec 17, 2022

The economy is shifting in favour of freelancers. Professionals are becoming more specialized and the modern economy is made up of micro-businesses run by these specialized professionals. It’s an exciting time because it is possible to build a million-dollar business by yourself in your...

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